I'm running about a month behind in blog time. I've been working on this post for three weeks, but I've never gotten a chance to finish it! Pop's birthday party was held in Springfield at Jen's house this year. I was a bit depressed this particular Sunday because Liv had a sunburn. My tiny four month old! I'm the queen of sunscreen, the sun patrol, the annoying-anti-tanner. How did I let this happen??? We were out in the sun for MAYBE 20 minutes and her little face got SO RED. It even ended up peeling a little. I felt horrible. But I had to get over it and she ended up fine. But at the time, I was so sad. The party definitely got me out of my funk. It was so fun. Jen had a "green" theme for the party since St. Patrick's Day was right around the corner. She had made homemade play dough and bubbles for the girls to play with. Ingrid got to play in a sandbox for the first time too. It was a blast! I have one trillion photos of the party. Just to prove how much fun was had!
Birthday Boy
Hostess with the mostess
Cousin Love
Poor little sunburn
Backyard Fun
Looks like you all had a great time! I love the Daisey bow on Ingrid.