Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow White

We had more snow! Not much, but enough to equal two more snow days for me.

Since snow white showed up again, Ing and I got some more quality time together. We made the most of our 4 day weekend and I have a ton of pictures to prove it. BUT...I am worn out. We've been project-ing all day today. We started working on the basement right after church and then got side-tracked by the barn and then brought it back to the basement. It has been a long day. Productive, but long. Thanks so much to Daniel and dad for helping D and I. We appreciate all the hard work.

So I think I will space out my wonderful weekend pictures because I have a feeling I will be catching up on mundane house chores and school work this week. Nothing too picture-worthy. I will leave you with a tiny project Ingrid and I did together on a snowy day. She helped me pick out some new items for her shelves. They needed a little restyling. We were tired of looking at the same old things the past six months! We added a couple new stuffed animals. Her name blocks. New owl from Sarah and some books that I've already read a million times!


  1. Love the new decorations on the shelves,so cute.Owl standing on C my fav. Anxious to see the other projects completed. We had a fun Saturday with all the family. Sounds like a hard working Sunday for you guys. Amazed we got picture blog..LOL

  2. Shelves look great! So glad you had good luck with projects.Now for a full school week to get back on track there.Snow days equal fun!

  3. love the new look on the shelves. you are one giant project, lol. so glad i got to see you on saturday and can't wait for your weekend recap. now, for that shopping trip...
