What a weekend! We crammed as many things as we possibly could into one weekend and we had a blast! A few unexpected happenings for sure....but we'll get to that later. I have so many pics to sort through. Can't wait to look back at them. For now, I'll leave you with these cute pics I took of Ing a couple weeks ago. I almost forgot about them. She loves going through purses, especially mine. If she finds my phone--it is the highlight of her life. We let her watch Sesame Street videos on it and she loves them. There is a particular Elmo episode of him singing the ABCs with India Arie that she LOVES. I'm talking--mildly obsessed with it. She'll do anything to get to watch it. Mom has been singing the ABCs with her a lot lately and she has started singing them back to us. She can get from A-G! This girl loves her alphabet. She also loves a wallet to look through, keys to jingle, and Burts Bees chapstick to put on!
My preshy girl in cute Toms does love a purse and asks for the alphabet song many times daily.I say great song to like-lol Chapstick -what a find for a little one.:)